+36 20 254 5438 info@bestar.hu


Representation of companies

We offer different import and distribution packages based on our internation and domestic business and personal relationships. We choose together with our client the best solution depending on our partner’s needs, type of the product and agreement.


Nowadays, because of the economic growth, market players van not manage the presence from the production to the sale.


The Bestar Hungary Ltd helps to its partners to  coordinated sales channels.


The competiton is high. There is not a big differenc between ta product’s price and quality.


We volunteer for planning campaigns which can help to win new customers and keep the old ones. There are so many games, actions and purchase incentives items which have no originality, just an easy copies from others.


We try to think and crat together with our clients  plans, which are new, have a specigfic message to a target auidience.

Market research

We always follow the changes in the market, and we are looking for opportinities where we can  appear with advantageous prices, unique and original products.


At the request of our partners, we quickly and efficiently examine the competitors of the product, demand and possibility of market access, and the we give its cost element.